EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Directory of case-law


The directory of case-law is a numerical classification tool that gives you access to the judgments and orders of the Court of Justice, General Court and Civil Service Tribunal by subject.

Following the changes brought by the Treaty of Lisbon, the classification scheme – used to analyse case-law from 1954 to 2009 – was modified.

The new scheme has been applicable to case-law since 2010. It consists of 9 main chapters, further divided in several sub-chapters.

By default, EUR-Lex displays the current classification scheme. If you want to use the one that was applicable until 2009, click Go to classification scheme before the Lisbon Treaty (2009).

The numbers in blue indicate how many acts are available for each chapter or sub-chapter. Click a number to view the results list with all the relevant specific acts.

screenshot showing the list of EU law directories